《坦克世界 WORLD OF TANKS》Game Booster
Malus global servers provide low-latency acceleration for WORLD OF TANKS
Deploy Date: 2010-10-30
Tag: MMO
Support Platforms: Windows
Game Desc: 《坦克世界》(俄语:Мир танков,英语:World of Tanks,简称WOT)是由白俄罗斯战游网公司所开发的团队制大型多人在线游戏,亦为战游网首款免费网络游戏。游戏的主题为1920到1990年代左右的坦克对战,玩家可以驾驭来自十一个国家(美国、英国、法国、德国、苏联、日本、中国、捷克斯洛伐克、瑞典、波兰及意大利)的坦克,目前共有约600多辆坦克可以使用
Highly Acclaimed
We have been highly acclaimed by gamers worldwide for its ability to enhance the gaming experience and optimize network connections
i was struggling to find some software to help me watch NBA. This is so great. I love malus vpn.
Malus is an excellent piece of software. It helps me with international game acceleration. And it is very fast with low latency. I love it and highly recommend it to everyone!
This is by far the best and easiest game gas pedal I have ever used. It really solves my network problems such as latency, dropouts, lag, high ping, etc. It effectively improves network stability and reduces latency to the extreme.